Restorative Justice Association of Manitoba (RJAM)

Lunch and Learn with RJAM: Crime - What Works and What Doesn't

The Restorative Justice Association of Manitoba is hosting a lunch and learn with two special guests: Lionel Houston, a Retired Elder from the Manitoba Justice system, and Sean Rayland-Boubar, former inmate and now the owner of Red Rebel Armour clothing company.

Together we will watch the short documentary Pain into Purpose featuring both our guests and discuss what did help, what did not, and how we could do so much better.

 We have a provincial election coming up and if we really want safer and just communities we need a better approach. Hope you can join us!

 Please register here


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working together to advocate for increased access to restorative justice and restorative services in Manitoba

This year’s conference will be virtual once again

Please join us to learn and share on this year’s theme:

Inspiring Innovation: Restorative Justice as a Solution to Systemic Racism and Social Inequity
We will explore the possibilities and tensions of restorative justice, racial justice, and systemic inequity. Our goal is to create space for learning, reflection, and collaborative dialogue on successes and challenges from across the country. Along with over 20 presentations and workshops, we are introducing listening circles at the beginning and end of the conference based on feedback that we need to do more to decolonize conferences.  The rest of the sessions will be 90 minutes long but we have asked presenters to leave 30 minutes for questions and answers. The 2022 NRJS will highlight how restorative justice can be used in innovative ways to facilitate social change. The goal of the virtual symposium is to engage participants in an exploration of how we can use collaboration, advocacy and education to increase the use of restorative justice practices, principles, and values when tackling complex social issues.  Restorative justice can and should be used throughout our society and systems.   The cost for a full conference pass is $75 which will include the full two days and two exciting pre-conference training opportunities on the 19th and 20th!  More details to come! If cost is a barrier, please contact .  Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible while meeting conference expenses.   For more information on this year’s exciting keynotes click here To view the schedule click here To register click here

L’Association manitobaine de la justice réparatrice est ravie d’accueillir le 2022
Symposium National de la Justice Réparatrice


Encore cette année, la conférence sera virtuelle.
Veuillez nous joindre pour apprendre et partager sur le thème :


Inspirer l’innovation : la justice réparatrice comme solution au racisme systémique et à l’inégalité sociale.

Nous allons explorer les possibilités et les tensions de la justice réparatrice, de la justice raciale et de l’inégalité systémique. Notre objectif est de créer un espace d’apprentissage, de réflexion et de dialogue concerté sur les réussites et les défis d’un bout à l’autre du pays.

Avec plus de 20 présentations et ateliers, on introduit les cercles d’écoutes au début et à la fin de la conférence qui est basé sur les remarques que la décolonisation de nos conférences était davantage nécessaire. Les autres séances seront de 90 minutes mais on a demandé aux présentateurs d’accueillir 30 minutes pour les questions-réponses.
Le SNJR de 2022 soulignera comment la justice réparatrice peut être utilisée de manières innovantes pour faciliter le changement social. L’objectif du symposium virtuel est de mobiliser les participants pour explorer comment nous pouvons utiliser la collaboration, la mobilisation et l’éducation pour accroître le recours à des pratiques, à des principes et à des valeurs de justice réparatrice pour aborder des enjeux sociaux complexes. La justice réparatrice peut et doit être utilisée dans toutes les couches de notre société et de nos systèmes.

Le prix d’une passe pour la conférence entière est 75$, qui inclut les deux jours complets et deux opportunités excitantes de participer aux formations sur le 19 et le 20 novembre! Plus de détails à venir!

Si le coût est une barrière à votre présence, s’il vous plait contactez Notre but est d’atteindre l’inclusivité tant qu’atteindre les frais de la conférence. 

Pour plus d’information sur les conférenciers principaux appuyez ici

Pour accéder à le programme cliquez  ici

Pour s’inscrire à la conférence appuyez ici 

En raison de difficultés techniques, la page d’inscription n’est disponible qu’en anglais

Who We Are

The Restorative Justice Association of Manitoba (RJAM) is a collection of organizations and people working together to advocate for increased access to restorative justice and restorative services in Manitoba. 

RJAM envisions a Manitoba where restorative justice is the primary means for achieving equitable and effective resolution to conflict in our communities, courts, and corrections. We believe that a just society, in which all lives have equal value, is possible, and that three basic tenets of restorative justice – repair the harm, restore relationships, and rebuild community – are central to meaningful movement forward. 



— A Broad Term

Restorative Justice is a broad term, which has been used in many different ways. It is often defined in opposition to the current court system, 


— Crime And Conflict

Restorative Justices is an approach to crime and conflict, which has its roots in Indigenous and other cultures worldwide. 


— Set Of Principals

RJ is not a specific model, instead it is a set of principles that can be adapted and applied to a variety of situations.



— Effective resolution

Restorative justice is the primary means for achieving equitable and effective resolution to conflict in our communities, courts, and corrections. 


— Emphasizes healing

Restorative justice seeks to repair harms and put right the wrongs to as full an extent as possible. 


— Collaborative

RJAM is made up of a diverse group of organizations that use restorative justice principles to guide their work.

Impact Stories

Alexander— Restorative Justice Program Participant

The justice program that I participated in helped me to deal with certain charges. They treated me with respect, love, care, community  and culture.  I think it really helped me  by opening my eyes about  what really matters in life.

This program  showed me that if you live a positive lifestyle, you’re most likely to have a positive life.

Jess— Restorative Justice Program Participant

I was really lost, On the wrong path. I did not know what to do with my life. The justice program that I participated in opened my eyes to what gang life was really about. Now I’m finishing high school and plan on going to university. I changed my ways, Seeing there is a more legit way.
